Blender Python: 3D Supershape
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The 3D Supershape has been a favorite mathematical definition of mine. Supershapes offer a high level of formal variation. This Blender Python implementation follows previous versions I have created for The Proving Ground for platforms such as Grasshopper, Revit, and Processing.

import bpy import math # mesh arrays verts = [] faces = [] edges = [] #3D supershape parameters m = 14.23 a = -0.06 b = 2.78 n1 = 0.5 n2 = -.48 n3 = 1.5 scale = 3 Unum = 50 Vnum = 50 Uinc = math.pi / (Unum/2) Vinc = (math.pi/2)/(Vnum/2) #fill verts array theta = -math.pi for i in range (0, Unum + 1): phi = -math.pi/2 r1 = 1/(((abs(math.cos(m*theta/4)/a))**n2+(abs(math.sin(m*theta/4)/b))**n3)**n1) for j in range(0,Vnum + 1): r2 = 1/(((abs(math.cos(m*phi/4)/a))**n2+(abs(math.sin(m*phi/4)/b))**n3)**n1) x = scale * (r1 * math.cos(theta) * r2 * math.cos(phi)) y = scale * (r1 * math.sin(theta) * r2 * math.cos(phi)) z = scale * (r2 * math.sin(phi)) vert = (x,y,z) verts.append(vert) #increment phi phi = phi + Vinc #increment theta theta = theta + Uinc #fill faces array count = 0 for i in range (0, (Vnum + 1) *(Unum)): if count < Vnum: A = i B = i+1 C = (i+(Vnum+1))+1 D = (i+(Vnum+1)) face = (A,B,C,D) faces.append(face) count = count + 1 else: count = 0 #create mesh and object mymesh ="supershape") myobject ="supershape",mymesh) #set mesh location myobject.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location #create mesh from python data mymesh.from_pydata(verts,edges,faces) mymesh.update(calc_edges=True) #set the object to edit mode = myobject bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # remove duplicate vertices bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles() # recalculate normals bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # subdivide modifier"subd", type='SUBSURF') myobject.modifiers['subd'].levels = 3 # show mesh as smooth mypolys = mymesh.polygons for p in mypolys: p.use_smooth = True
Different Parameters
#3D supershape parameters m = 14.13 a = -0.06 b = 2.78 n1 = -2 n2 = -.1 n3 = 1 scale = 3 Unum = 70 Vnum = 70 Uinc = math.pi / (Unum/2) Vinc = (math.pi/2)/(Vnum/2) #fill verts array theta = -math.pi for i in range (0, Unum + 1): phi = -math.pi/2 r1 = 1/(((abs(math.cos(m*theta/4)/a))**n2+(abs(math.sin(m*theta/4)/b))**n3)**n1) for j in range(0,Vnum + 1): r2 = 1/(((abs(math.cos(m*phi/4)/a))**n2+(abs(math.sin(m*phi/4)/b))**n3)**n1) x = scale * (r1 * math.cos(theta) * r2 * math.cos(phi)) y = scale * (r1 * math.sin(theta) * r2 * math.cos(phi)) z = scale * (r2 * math.sin(phi)) vert = (x,y,z) verts.append(vert) #increment phi phi = phi + Vinc #increment theta theta = theta + Uinc