Week 5: High Rise Tower - Vignette
Project vignettes:
Tower Vignette
Definition Vignette
Additional images:
Top View
Perspective View
Overall View
Grasshopper file:
Elliptical Tower with Annual Solar Response Louvers
Week 5: High Rise Tower - Explorations
This is a parametric tower Grasshopper routine which twists an tapers and ellipse as it rises vertically. Core, structure and glazing systems are applied. A louvered shading system is layered on the facade exterior in response to an annual solar analysis on the controlling geometry mesh. The ellipse could easily be swapped out for another polygon within the slabs group of the Grasshopper routine.
Here are some more images:
Close-Up View
Here is the Grasshopper file:
Elliptical Tower with Annual Solar Response Louvers
Week 4: High Rise Tower - Diagrid Product
Here is the Diagrid Routine applied to an pseudo-ovoid shell:
Here is the Grasshopper file:
Week 4: High Rise Tower - Diagrid Development
I was interested in applying a Diagrid Panel system to my tower geometry. I combined some techniques I found on the grasshopper forum for this Grasshopper routine which applies such a pattern to a control surface. The panel paramaters are flexible and the surface input from Rhino could be modified to use a Grasshopper parametric surface. I will continue to explore potential integration of this skin system into the Tower Challenge.
Week 3: High Rise Tower - Process
Here are some snapshots from my efforts to combine the Solar Responsive Panel System with component population to a high rise tower definition.
Here are some more images:
Tower View
Perspective View
Week 3: Solar Responsive Panel System - Product 2
The following Solar Responsive Custom Paneling System integrates component population strategies developed by nGai. Here is the grasshopper file:

Here are some more images:
Plan View
Isometric View
Week 3: Solar Responsive Panel System - Product 1
Panel Variations on April 18th
(populated surface offset for clarity)
Panel Variations throughout the Year
(populated surface offset for clarity)
March 21 at 12:00
June 21 at 12:00
September 21 at 12:00
December 21 at 12:00
Week 3: Solar Responsive Panel System - Process
To complete this week's assignment for a Solar Responsive Custom Paneling System, I applied some component population strategies developed by nGai. My paneling system partitions the RGB solar data on the mesh into 8 sub-ranges. Each sub-range is then assigned a variant of a paneling geometry with different aperture sizes. Imagine a complex form, but we want to control the number of unique panels.

Here is the grasshopper file:
Week 2: High Rise Tower with Diagrid
The following routine development uses Mohamed Masour's Grasshopper definition for a high-rise tower and adds diagrid meshing and piping. I opted to use a pentagonal floor plate.
Here are some more images:
Diagrid Tower Elevation
Diagrid Tower Plan
Week 2: High Rise Tower - Process
The following routine development uses Mohamed Masour's Grasshopper definition for a high-rise tower and adds diagrid meshing and piping. A great quality of Mohamed's definition is the ability to define the floor plate by the number of sides in the polygon.
Here are some views of the definition:

More views of the extruded slabs and diagrid piping:

Week 2: Surface Space Frame
Here are some more images:
Space Truss Plan View
Space Truss Underneath
Space Truss Side View
And the Grasshopper file:
Suface Space Truss.ghx
Week 1: Distance Logic