Nathan Miller - Public Speaking
Table of Contents

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Computation, BIM, Performance (January)
AIA New York
New York, NY


Design Computation Symposium (December)
Autodesk University 2013
Las Vegas, NV

Computational Design (October)
Panel Moderator
Facades+ Chicago
Chicago, IL

Interoperability (April)
Facades+ Performance Workshop
New York, NY

Material In/Formation (March)
UMN Catalyst Lecture Series
Minneapolis, MN

Design Thinking in an Automated World (March)
UMN Catalyst Lecture Series
Minneapolis, MN

Workflow Rigging (February)
TEX-FAB Workshop
Dallas, TX

CASE (February)
TEX-FAB Conference
Dallas, TX


Python Scripting for Vasari and Revit (October)
ACADIA 2012 Workshop
San Francisco, CA

Algorithms are Thoughts (October)
AIA TAP 2012 Conference
Stanford, CA

Computational Design at CASE (September)
Emerging New York Architects
New York, NY

Python Scripting in Vasari
Vasari Talk Webinar

Algorithms are Thoughts
Woodbury University Serial Series
Burbank, CA

Algorithms are Thoughts
UMN Digital Provocations Symposium
Minneapolis, MN

Design Computation and Professional Practice
USC Professional Practice Lecture
Los Angeles, CA


New Rules
ACSA Administrators Conference
Los Angeles, CA

Dataspaces and Uncertainty
NBBJ, Design Leaders Forum

NBBJ Design Computation
NBBJ, Design Leaders Forum

Dataspaces and Uncertainty
USC Extreme BIM Conference
Los Angeles, CA

NBBJ Design Computation
ACADIA Regional 2011, Keynote
Lincoln, NE

The Hangzhou Tennis Center: A Case Study in Integrated Parametric Design
ACADIA Regional 2011, Proceedings
Lincoln, NE

[Make]Shift: Experiments in Information Exchange and Collaborative Workflows
ACSA 2011 Conference, Best of ACADIA
Montreal, Canada


NBBJ Design Computation
Presentation to CCDI
Beijing, China

[Make]Shift: Experiments in Information Exchange and Collaborative Workflows
ACADIA 2009 Conference
New York City, NY

Computational Design: Aesthetics and Approaches
Los Angeles Design Technology Forum Event
Los Angeles, CA

Feedback Cloud
USC BIM Analytics Conference
Los Angeles, CA

Algorithms, Parameters, Practice
NYCCT Emerge Lecture Series
New York City, NY


Parametric Strategies in Civic Architecture Design
ACADIA 2009 Conference
Chicago, IL

Parametric Strategies
Presented to the NBBJ Design-Delivery Forum

Parametric Strategies
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Presented in conjunction with a Grasshopper workshop
Lincoln, NE


Distribution Concourse: Final Thesis Presentation
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Presented to the college faculty and Student body.
Lincoln, NE

Positioning the Commercial Site within a Discourse on Landscape
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Teaching Assistant lecture prepared for “Site and Context Issues” course.
Lincoln, NE

Graphical Representation: From Parti to Parametric Diagram
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Teaching Assistant lecture prepared for “Understanding Architectural Ideas” course.
Lincoln, NE

Forming Oppositions as a Design Methodology
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Teaching Assistant lecture prepared for “Understanding Architectural Ideas” course.
Lincoln, NE

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