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Imports and Document
A RevitPythonShell script first requires that we define our imports which will give us access to the Revit API
Below I am importing the clr library and the commonly used math library. I am then adding references to 'RevitAPI' and 'RevitAPIUI'
Finally, I am creating a variable 'app' and 'doc' which sets the active Revit/Vasari application and document.
import clr import math clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') clr.AddReference('RevitAPIUI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * app = __revit__.Application doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
Next we need code that tells Revit to begin a new transaction using the active document. We will create a variable t to be our transaction.
We can then using t to start the transaction, perform some action, and commit the transaction.
t = Transaction(doc, 'This is my new transaction') t.Start() #perform some action here... t.Commit()
Close Python Window
After you run your script you can tell RevitPythonShell to automatically close the scripting window if you do not need it.
Our final set-up code will look something like below. We are (1) importing our libraries, (2) setting the application and document, (3) starting a transaction, (4) then committing a transaction.
This will be a common structure I will use in most examples.
#import libraries and reference the RevitAPI and RevitAPIUI import clr import math clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') clr.AddReference('RevitAPIUI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * #set the active Revit application and document app = __revit__.Application doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document #define a transaction variable and describe the transaction t = Transaction(doc, 'This is my new transaction') #start a transaction in the Revit database t.Start() #perform some action here... #commit the transaction to the Revit database t.Commit() #close the script window __window__.Close()