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This page contains methods for using external data with the Revit/Vasari API. With these capabilities, it is possible to establish workflows with other design systems by sharing parameters and native geometry reconstruction.
Text Files (CSV)
Text files can be read using conventional .NET methods within IronPython. A common text format used to share data is the comma separated value file (*.csv). CSV uses a simple structure where columns of data are defined by a comma "," and rows are read by line.
Stream Reader
Reading text files requires a .NET type known as a StreamReader(). A path is supplied which will point the program to the file for reading.
#set the file path filepath = 'C:/Users/nmiller/Documents/sometext.csv' #create the reader filereader = System.IO.StreamReader(filepath)
Reading Lines
We can use a while loop to read each line in the text file.
while filereader.Peek() > -1: #Read the current line line = filereader.ReadLine() #Print the line to the console. print line
Parsing CSV
A CSV file can be parsed by splitting each line where a "," exists. This will create an array of values.
In this case, a string is split which results in an array of 3 values. Each value is then assigned to a string variable.
#split the string where there is a "," strArr = line.Split(",") #assign string segements to variables var1 = strArr[0] var2 = strArr[1] var3 = strArr[2]
The final code looks like this…
import clr import System clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') clr.AddReference('RevitAPIUI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * app = __revit__.Application doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document t = Transaction(doc, 'Read a text file.') t.Start() #set the file path filepath = 'C:/Users/nmiller/Documents/sometext.csv' #create the reader filereader = System.IO.StreamReader(filepath) #do the following for each line until end of file. while filereader.Peek() > -1: #read a line line = filereader.ReadLine() #split the string where there is a "," strArr = line.Split(",") #assign string segements to variables var1 = strArr[0] var2 = strArr[1] var3 = strArr[2] #printing variables to the console print var1 print var2 print var3 t.Commit()
Files can be created and written using the .NET StreamWriter() class. This process is useful for getting parameters and saving them to an external location.
Stream Writer
Stream Writer lets us create a file in a directory location.
#File path filepath = 'C:/Users/nmiller/Documents/sometext.txt' #Create the file file = System.IO.StreamWriter(filepath)
Writing Lines
The following will write some lines to the open Stream Writer. Two lines will be in the file 'hello' and 'world'. We can then close the file with .Close()
#Write some things to the file file.WriteLine('hello') file.WriteLine('world') #Close the StreamWriter file.Close()
Checking Existing Files
In some cases, you may need to check if the file you are creating already exists. The following will check for the existence of the file and delete it.
#Delete the file if it exists. if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepath) == True): System.IO.File.Delete(filepath)
All together, your code may be structured like this…
import clr import System clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') clr.AddReference('RevitAPIUI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * app = __revit__.Application doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document t = Transaction(doc, 'Write an external file.') t.Start() #Set the file path filepath = 'C:/Users/nmiller/Documents/sometext.txt' #Delete the file if it exists. if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepath) == True): System.IO.File.Delete(filepath) #Create the file file = System.IO.StreamWriter(filepath) #Write some things to the file file.WriteLine('hello') file.WriteLine('world') #Close the StreamWriter file.Close() t.Commit() __window__.Close()