Recursion Scripts
Table of Contents
RhinoCommon Code
Random Branching
Implemented in a Grasshopper VB.NET component.
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal P As Point3d, ByVal N As Integer, ByVal G As Integer, ByVal S As Integer, ByRef A As Object)
Dim LineList As New List(Of Line)
Dim LocList As New List(Of Point3d)
Dim MyRandom As New Random(S)
'move range
Dim x0 As Double = -10
Dim x1 As Double = 10
Dim y0 As Double = -10
Dim y1 As Double = 10
Dim z0 As Double = -10
Dim z1 As Double = 10
For i As Integer = 0 To G
Dim NewLocList As New List(Of Point3d)
For j As Integer = 0 To LocList.Count - 1
Dim location As Point3d
For k As Integer = 0 To N - 1
location = LocList(j)
Dim move As Point3d = New Point3d(MyRandom.Next(x0,x1), MyRandom.Next(y0,y1), MyRandom.Next(z0,z1))
Dim oldlocation As Point3d = location
location = location + move
Dim myline As Line = New Line(oldlocation, location)
'move decay
x0 = x0 * 0.7
x1 = x1 * 0.7
y0 = y0 * 0.7
y1 = y1 * 0.7
z0 = z0 * 0.7
z1 = z1 * 0.7
LocList = NewLocList
A = LineList
End Sub
Triangle Subdivision
Implemented in a Grasshopper VB.NET component.
Version 1
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal T As Curve, ByVal N As Integer, ByRef A As Object)
Dim triList As New List (Of NurbsCurve)
Dim tri As NurbsCurve = t.ToNurbsCurve
For i As Integer = 0 To N - 1
Dim newTriList As New List(Of NurbsCurve)
For j As Integer = 0 To trilist.Count - 1
Dim verts As Rhino.Geometry.Collections.NurbsCurvePointList = triList(j).Points
Dim cptA As Point3d = verts(0).location
Dim cptB As Point3d = verts(1).location
Dim cptC As Point3d = verts(2).location
Dim lnA As New Line(cptA, cptB)
Dim lnB As New Line(cptB, cptC)
Dim lnC As New Line(cptC, cptA)
Dim mptA As Point3d = lnA.PointAt(0.5)
Dim mptB As Point3d = lnB.PointAt(0.5)
Dim mptC As Point3d = lnC.PointAt(0.5)
TriSubDiv(mptA, mptB, mptC, mptA, newTriList)
TriSubDiv(mptB, mptC, cptC, mptB, newTriList)
TriSubDiv(mptA, mptB, cptB, mptA, newTriList)
TriSubDiv(mptC, mptA, cptA, mptC, newTriList)
trilist = newTriList
A = trilist
End Sub
Sub TriSubDiv (ByRef ptA As Point3d, ByRef ptB As Point3d, ByRef ptC As Point3d, ByRef ptD As Point3d, ByRef TriList As List (Of NurbsCurve))
Dim pts As New List (Of Point3d)
Dim tri As PolylineCurve
tri = NurbsCurve.CreateControlPointCurve(pts, 1)
End Sub
Version 2 (Sierpinski)
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal T As Curve, ByVal N As Integer, ByRef A As Object, ByRef B As Object)
Dim triList As New List (Of NurbsCurve)
Dim triListB As New List (Of NurbsCurve)
Dim tri As NurbsCurve = t.ToNurbsCurve
For i As Integer = 0 To N - 1
Dim newTriList As New List(Of NurbsCurve)
For j As Integer = 0 To trilist.Count - 1
Dim verts As Rhino.Geometry.Collections.NurbsCurvePointList = triList(j).Points
Dim cptA As Point3d = verts(0).location
Dim cptB As Point3d = verts(1).location
Dim cptC As Point3d = verts(2).location
Dim lnA As New Line(cptA, cptB)
Dim lnB As New Line(cptB, cptC)
Dim lnC As New Line(cptC, cptA)
Dim mptA As Point3d = lnA.PointAt(0.5)
Dim mptB As Point3d = lnB.PointAt(0.5)
Dim mptC As Point3d = lnC.PointAt(0.5)
TriSubDiv(mptA, mptB, mptC, mptA, trilistB)
TriSubDiv(mptB, mptC, cptC, mptB, newTriList)
TriSubDiv(mptA, mptB, cptB, mptA, newTriList)
TriSubDiv(mptC, mptA, cptA, mptC, newTriList)
trilist = newTriList
A = trilist
B = trilistB
End Sub
Sub TriSubDiv (ByRef ptA As Point3d, ByRef ptB As Point3d, ByRef ptC As Point3d, ByRef ptD As Point3d, ByRef TriList As List (Of NurbsCurve))
Dim pts As New List (Of Point3d)
Dim tri As PolylineCurve
tri = NurbsCurve.CreateControlPointCurve(pts, 1)
End Sub
The code and components on this page are free software: you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.