Eve's Week 3 Exercise: Environmental Analysis and Feedback


Using the sun systems to design a custom paneling system which which is responsive to solar orientation.

Related Grasshopper Files

File Name Preview Description
Point Distance Logic
Add 3D representation for the Week3-1 class file.
Curve Distance Logic USC_517_SHLin_3-2.jpg Add 3D representation for the Week3-2 class file
Image Distance Logic USC_517_SHLin_3-3(1).jpg Construct a graphic display appearance by using image sampler to translate color channel into scale factors of shapes.
Responsive Surface USC_517_SHLin_3-4.jpg A responsive surface. It is responsive to the combination of the distance to a variable point and a mathematical function.
Responsive Panel USC_517_SHLin_3-5.jpg A responsive panel. Its opening is responsive to the distance to a variable point. Tips: The diagram is helpful for generating the panel geometryUSC_517_SHLin_3-5_Panel.jpg
Sun System USC_517_SHLin_3-6_SolarPanel_1.jpgUSC_517_SHLin_3-6_SolarPanel_2.jpg Use the given solar system to design the responsive panel. The shading extrusion will change according to and rad channel value. Originally, the distance logic was intended to be applied. However, the method can't calculate the shading impact.
Annual Solar Analysis USC_517_SHLin_3-7_AnnualSolarAnalysis.jpg Use the given annual solar analysis file to analyze the radiance of my tower geometry. The next step can be to design responsive shading for the facade.

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