Assignment 1 asks you to select a hand-sized found object created by a natural process. The objects should (and will) have an inherent complexity but should still have a discernible logic. To help you select your object you MUST bring 3 CONSIDERED natural objects to your FIRST lab with you; your TA will help you choose a suitable object, help achieve applicable challenges between students, and help insure diversity of explorations. Each student should have their own object to model from and may not share their object with another student. More than one ‘type’ of object can exist in the lab providing that the object(s) have enough variation and differences.
As a natural object, they will have attributes that are highly immeasurable and will require the students to creatively interpret and abstract the subtleties of the object as a ‘digital sketch’ using 3D modeling techniques. The 3D models should not strive to be exact replicas of the natural object (this would be quite impossible); rather the 3D modeling software should facilitate creative explorations and interpretations conveying relevant formal and morphological characteristics. From this 3D digital model, 2D drawing conventions (plans, sections, elevations) will be extracted to further explain, filter, and document the complexity of the 3D object.
Successful projects will demonstrate an expertise in relevant 3D surface modeling techniques in addition to critical thinking for how to interpret a 3D object within the digital environment. With hard work and determination it will provide the fundamental skills necessary for you to successfully complete the first half of this course.