USC ARCH 517: Schedule
Grasshopper Course Schedule
TIME: 1:00 PM to 3:20 PM
DAYS: April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
April 1, 2010
- Course Introduction
- Introduce Course Project, Assign Seminar Project Groups
- Grasshopper Overview
- GRASSHOPPER TUTORIALS: Constraint-Based Programming
- ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Join the Wiki, 2. Create Personal Labs Page, 3. Seminar Project Progress Submission, 4. Remake Basics Exercises 04 & 06
April 8, 2010
- Q&A: Assignments, Constraint-Based Programming, Wiki
- GRASSHOPPER TUTORIALS: Constraint-Based Programming (Continued) and Structure and Skin Systems
- ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Grasshopper Exercise 1, 2. Seminar Project Progress Submission
April 15, 2010
- Q&A: Assignments, Structure and Skin Systems
- GRASSHOPPER TUTORIALS: Environmental Analysis and Feedback
- ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Grasshopper Exercise 2, 2. Seminar Project Progress Submission, 3. Seminar Topics Article Progress
April 22, 2010
- Q&A: Assignments, Environmental Analysis and Feedback
- GRASSHOPPER TUTORIALS: Fabrication and Construction Methods
- ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Finish Seminar Project, 2. Finish Topic Page Article, 3. Prepare for Presentation @ NBBJ
April 29, 2010
- Final Seminar projects and Wiki documentation are due before class starts.
- 523 West 6th Street Suite 300, Downtown Los Angeles